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What is LipSense?

With the rise of the product over the last few years, I’m sure you’ve heard about it on social media. Maybe been invited to a few parties. But it sounds kinda weird, maybe a scam.

I’m going to answer your questions so you know what it’s all about!

LipSense is the premiere product of the company SeneGence. The company launched in April 1999, and since has launched a full makeup line, skincare line, and haircare.

LipSense is a long lasting, smudge-proof, water proof lipstick that moisturizes your lips. There are other long lasting products on the market now, all of which have been released after and are trying to copycat LipSense, and I have found all to be drying and not work nearly as well.

LipSense does take a little getting used to, as you apply it a little differently then your normal liquid lipstick. When you apply, you apply it in three thin layers. The idea behind this is the environment breaks down one of the layers, your skin breaks down the other layer, and the middle layer lasts all day long. Then you cover the lip color with a layer of lip gloss. But you have to use the SeneGence gloss, other glosses have wax and oil in them that breaks down the color. This gloss is made to protect the color and make it last, and it has Shea butter and vitamin oil in it so it is very hydrating for your lips. I actually got in the habit of wearing it to bed sometimes because it is so moisturizing!

LipSense contains no wax, which is good because wax products are kind of like saran wrap over your lips and can cause a build up and eventually cause chapped lips. LipSense is the opposite, it actually helps heal your lips. It has a cosmetic grade alcohol in it which evaporates when you apply it, leaving the color behind. This alcohol, like when you use it on a wound, helps clean out and heal your chapped lips. Sometimes if your lips are really chapped you can feel a bit of a tingle, but this goes away as soon as you put on the gloss.

If you never reapply the gloss the color will last 4-8 hours, depending on how much you eat, if you eat greasy foods, how much you lick your lips etc. If you reapply the gloss occasionally it’ll last up to 18 hours!

I find that my bottles of product last longer then other brands too! Because you don’t have to reapply every few hours, and because you don’t slather it on like other brands. This is how I personally justify the price! It lasts me longer as well as works better!

At the end of the day, your lips are ready to release the product, but after application it can be tough to get off. We have a remover to help you remove it at the end of the day, or if you make a mistake. Other removers are fine, but using a remover made for LipSense works better I’ve found.

There are a bunch of colors to choose from, and several choices of glosses. I recommend starting out with a starter kit, which is a color, gloss and Ooops Remover ($55). Then after you have all the essentials you can just get individual colors ($25) and glosses ($20).

And since your color is applied in three layers, if you mix and match colors and layers you can create your own custom colors! Which I love cuz you can be creative!

If you have any other questions I didn’t think to answer please ask in the comment section so I can update my post!

If you are interested in ordering, do so here, or use the order tab in the menu. Please remember to include in detail what you want (ie. starter collection with Bella)

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