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Proverbs 31 Study

‘Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.’ Proverbs 31:10 KJV

Today I am going to start a weekly series on the Proverbs 31 woman. I saw this done a long, long time ago in a chapter of a book I read, where they broke down verse by verse all the different traits that the Proverbs 31 woman has and studied each little thing, and I found it so very fascinating.

I decided that as part of my Bible studying for the next couple of weeks, I want to do the same. I really want to study what a virtuous woman is, break down every verse and apply it to my own life. To see what traits are present in ‘the perfect woman’ and how I can get them! And I figured that it would be good to share it with you. I hope this helps you and encourages you, and that we can use this to help us all become better.

This chapter contains the description of a woman, who as a wife and mother, will be the kind of woman that through the years will make her husband happy. I have heard it said before that the spirit or mood of the wife/mom effects the spirit/mood of the rest of the family, which is SO TRUE. But even beyond that, I would go so far as to say that the kind of woman she is effects the whole home entirely! The duty laid upon the role of the woman of the house has so much stress placed on it for good reason! Our place in the home dictates the overall success of the home.

I’m sure in your mind you can think of a family where the mother is a loud, rude, ‘whorish’ woman, similar to the woman described in the Bible as the opposite of the virtuous woman. What is that family like? The husband is flustered and angry, probably not present with his family, always wanting away (can you blame him?), the children are monsters, and the home is less then the peaceful safe haven it should be.

But now think of a family who you look up to. The kids are happy and well behaved, the husband is a joyful, content man, the home is not a place of tension, but a place of joy and relaxation. What kind of woman is that? The kind we are going to study.

In a world where women desperately scream for respect and a voice, they miss their power. WE have the power over the success of our family. It’s a role not to be taken lightly, and we should work hard to serve our families as best we can. This looks different for each individual of course, some will do it best by raising their children at home, others by taking their place out in the workforce, but whatever we are called to do, we should do it with our all.

So over the next several weeks, every Tuesday’s blog post will be part of this series. I really think this will be interesting, and I think it will challenge us into being better versions of ourselves, and I hope it will help us raise a Godly generation of strong daughters in a world where we need more strong, Godfearing women.

Want to be rare? Different then the rest? Stand out as valuable? Not cut from the same cloth as everyone else? Teach yourself how to be a virtuous woman.


(I have been using the Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible to help study this passage. If you study your bible ever (like you should!) you really need this, it has been so helpful.)

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