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Proverbs 31 Study: vs 15

Well. Tuesday came and went and now it’s Wednesday. Sorry guys! Will was teething again yesterday so we just curled up in bed and watched a movie and snuggled all afternoon, and I did laundry and sometime after dinner I suddenly realized that I’d never done my post, and at that point it was just too late!

So anyway here it is, a day late!

Totally off topic, but how on Earth do you get a bug bite in February?? And of course it’s on my face!



Poor little Will has been fighting his nap SO HARD today! He’s like two hours overdue and his eyelids are just starting to droop, so I have my fingers crossed this will be a nice long nap and I’ll be able to get this whole post done and maybe some more chores or something!

This verse always makes me smile.

Growing up, my mom always made a point to get up with my dad and have coffee with him and send him off with a nice hot breakfast. Now she is totally a morning person, so it wasn’t that big a deal for her, but it’s not common.

My dad often told me how he would tell the guys at work about how his wife would make him breakfast and stuff and they would never believe him or get jealous or whatever and from a young age it was always my goal to do the same. I wanted my someday husband to be able to brag about me to the guys at work and feel like a good wife.

So I did. The first several years of marriage I always got up with him and made him breakfast. I’m not a morning person like my mom, and it was the most painful part of my day.

I would get up and half asleep stumble around and try to make a good breakfast while my morning person husband laughed at me behind my back (in a good way lol)

But those were great times, painful as they were! My husband loved the little highlight in his morning of being able to see me if just for 30 minutes before running off to work all day, and one day he came home telling me about how he had bragged to the guys and they all got super jealous and my life was made!

After we had been married about a year, Andrew read this verse during devotions and left a little note in my bible, saying how he could totally see this verse as me! I would get up with him at like 5 or 6 (which I don’t care what you say, that’s still night) and make food. But changing the word maidens to kitties (I always feed the cats in the morning too)

When I got pregnant about a year ago I stopped getting up early with him. I was sleeping 14 hours a night and just so tired all the time, it was literally just too painful. And I was useless anyway, I couldn’t hardly crack eggs or anything (I literally remember him coming over multiple times out of pity and cracking the eggs for me cuz I wasn’t strong enough and scrambling them for me cuz I physically couldn’t move fast enough.)

Andrew is a great cook, and as far as eating he isn’t suffering anything without me in the mornings, he actually makes himself much better food then I ever did just cuz he has clarity and an awake mind, so he can cook much faster.

But even still it’s not just the food. We don’t get to see each other in the mornings, and we hardly ever get to see each other at all so that 30 minutes in the morning were precious.

Now, Andrew gets little baby boo up for an hour or two in the morning with him. When Will’s awake for a while he tends to sleep in better so I can catch up on some sleep. While I think that’s precious, and they both love their daddy/son morning times, now that he’s old enough that I’m not getting up during the night hardly at all, I think I need to start getting up with Andrew again.

Maybe I’ll get up with him and make breakfast tomorrow.

And then go back to sleep afterwards cuz let’s be real… I’m not a morning person and there’s no way I’m staying up…


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