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Proverbs 31 Study: vs 14

Welcome back to the blog for another study on the Proverbs 31 woman!

I really need to start preparing these ahead of time… I’ve been writing the whole post on Tuesdays right before I post it, and usually I get it done during one nap time, but Will just woke up and I just now got to the point of actually writing!

Hopefully this goes smoothly… maybe he’ll fall back asleep.

Anyway, today we’re talking about verse 14.

Some of the verses are really easy to study. Lots of little nuggets to dwell on, very easy to apply to life today.

And then there’s verses like this one. Verses that make you kinda just go ‘huh?’

So I had to look this one up in a couple commentaries and see what others had to say about it.

But from what I’ve gathered, and I guess this is kinda what I always thought, I just never actually thought about it til now, this verse is referring to her shopping and money spending and frugalness habits. She will search far and wide for the best (food in this case, but I’d think this refers to clothing and such as well) for her family.

She doesn’t settle for what is easy to come by, she searches out the best deals, the best quality. She doesn’t mind taking the extra time or trouble to research things.

Practical application of this is actually easy for me.

When I first got married and started having to shop for groceries, I took the time to figure out which grocery store had the best prices. I checked to see which kind of bread was not only cheap, but healthy. I don’t want to feed my family cheap food that has no nutritional value, but I also don’t want to get the very most expensive stuff out there because I don’t trust it’s actually any better and I don’t want to waste my money.

I also think this refers to the kind of diet we feed our families. Do we keep bad food in the house? Or good food that will keep our bodies strong and help our children grow and be healthy.

I need to get better about this now, as I’ve gotten lazy about it, but we need to provide our families with the best.

Clothing from say, Walmart may be cheap, but in the grand scheme of things you have to replace it so often cuz it doesn’t last very long. Where if you find something that is high quality, (not designer, just high quality) it will last several years and even though it costs more initially, it was cheaper in the long run.

I’ve been really dropping the ball in this area. I think it’s time for a little adjustment!

Hope someone found this helpful!


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