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Proverbs 31 Study: vs 11 and 12

If you missed last week’s post, click HERE to take a second to catch up! I’m doing a study on the Proverbs 31 woman as part of my bible reading over the next few weeks, and I’m bringing y’all along for the ride!

Last week we looked at what the Proverbs 31 woman is, and this week I want to start with verses 11 and 12.

Does the heart of your husband safely trust in you? Do you do him good and not evil?

My first thought is ‘Well of course! He knows I’m not going to leave him! That I’m not flirting around with other men behind his back!’

But I think this verse means more. Can he trust me to be a good steward of the money he works so hard to make? Can he trust me to feed my family food that will make us strong and healthy? He knows me better then anyone, if he has a big decision to make, does he trust my input? Does he trust me with my time (ouch), that I’m being productive at what I’m doing while he’s out working his butt off? When I speak of him to my friends, do I lift him up, or bash him down with my words? Am I thankful for him, my home, our lives together, or do I complain?

Some of these points almost seem like a ‘no duh’, but there are many husbands out there who don’t trust their wives!

What about if you’re not married? Does this not apply to you?

No it does!

‘She will do him good and not evil ALL the days of her life.’

This means before you’re married right? Before you even know who your husband is going to be!

Are you ‘living up the single life’, staying out super late doing things your someday husband wouldn’t approve of? Are you wearing clothing he wouldn’t like? Are you flirting all the time? If you’ve kissed 14 other boyfriends is that doing him ‘good’ or ‘evil’?

Are you working hard and saving money for someday? Are you learning useful skills like cooking or decorating? Are you serving the Lord alone, so someday you can serve Him together?

‘He shall have no need of spoil.’

Is your husband happy? Do you contribute to his happiness? Are you content and satisfied with each other? Are you best friends? This is a two way street of course, this isn’t all on us as wives, but there are a lot of couples who would rather be out with their individual friends all the time instead of home with each other. That’s not the way marriage should be!

It’s healthy to get out and hang with your girlfriends/the guys, but you should love being with each other most of the time. You should be best friends. You shouldn’t need more then each other. Some of the very poorest people in the world are happy because they are with the one they love.

Just a few thoughts/takeaways I had! Do you have anything to add? If so please leave me a comment and let me know!


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