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Proverbs 31 Study: vs 13

It’s Tuesday again already! Have you been enjoying these little bible studies? I know I have!

Today is the third study in this series, if you missed the first two, search the blog for ‘Proverbs 31 Study’ and they should come up!

Today we are going over verse 13. And this one took some thought and pondering for me.

This has been so good for me, even if no one ever reads these, cuz it’s forcing me to study this passage verse by verse! Verse 13 was one of the verses I have always just skipped over. It doesn’t seem to have too much of a deep life lesson, no nuggets of truth, but I can’t skip it today! I have to think about it and ponder it.

I had to Google what Flax was. Maybe you already know, but it’s a plant that you get flaxseed (the food) from, and they make linen out of the straw!

So the verse says that she gets wool and linen and works willingly with her hands.

As we know, the Bible is always relevant. Even though it was written thousands of years ago, it’s still applicable in our lives today. Obviously today in most places we do not make our own clothes anymore, but we do have to make sacrifices to serve our families.

Do you take the time and energy to serve your family? And not just half heartedly, but happily? Willingly? With joy? Are you willing to get down and dirty and work?

Those little tasks that drive you nuts (laundry lol) do you do them out of love and service?

Do you research and go the extra mile to get your family the very best? The Proverbs 31 woman took the time and care to seek out wool and linen. She probably could have gotten something of cheaper quality, easier to get ahold of, but she got her family the very best.

This one hits home for me. So often those little tasks seem meaningless. Or I leave the dirty work for my husband, even though I’m perfectly capable. Or I take the easy way out, but I’m going to work harder to serve my family and make sure they have the best there is!

There’s so much we can learn from this passage! So many things we can implement in our lives to make us better people, better wives, moms, servants etc!


Stuff like this fascinates me, so I looked it up and found these two videos! So interesting!! Check them out if this kind of thing interests you too!

Click HERE for a video on how to make wool into yarn!

Click HERE to how to turn flax straw into linen!

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